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Immagine: Tobias Günther, SNSF Scientific Image Competitiondi più

NERC Advanced Training Course

Earth Observations for Weather and Climate Studies

Luogo della manifestazione

University of Reading, Reading, UK

Earth observation (EO) plays a crucial role in providing weather/climate records, advancing our understanding of the weather and climate systems, and improving model representations. In addition to their unique role in weather/climate science and services, EO data are also a rapidly growing economic area. The course is aimed at PhD students or early career researchers who are working in weather/climate science, and wish to use EO data for understanding atmospheric processes and improving model simulations in a quantitative manner.

Zahlen und Formeln (Symbolbild)
Immagine: denisismagilov,

This 5-day training course combines lectures, practical sessions, student presentations and group projects. A team of experienced lecturers and researchers at the Department of Meteorology of the University of Reading will deliver morning lectures, introducing students to theoretical principles of satellite-based remote sensing measurements. They will also demonstrate and supervise afternoon practical sessions for students to conduct their group projects. Group projects will be based on well-defined research topics with 2–3 open questions; students will learn to analyse weather/climate model output, and run state-of-the-art radiative transfer models, visualisation tools and advanced satellite simulators in the Reading computing lab.



Sinead O’Flynn:
Dr Christine Chiu:



  • Formazione
  • Meteorologia
Lingue: Inglese