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Bild: Tobias Günther, SNSF Scientific Image Competitionmehr

Urban Sustainability Issues

3 Technical reports of the European Environment Agency

Resource-efficient cities: vital step towards urban sustainability in Europe.

Teaser: Urban Sustainability Issues
Bild: Inez Dawczyk, Picture 2050/EEA

Cities increasingly require and use natural resources and energy to sustain daily life and activities of the urban population. Their impacts are felt across the globe. But cities can also be designed and changed in ways to offer opportunities to reduce resource needs and environmental impacts. Three new reports by the European Environment Agency (EEA) take a closer look at what a resource-efficient city is and what cities can do to enhance urban sustainability while improving the well-being of their residents.

Quelle: EEA Technical Reports (2015): European Environmental Agency www.eea.europa.eu [1]


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